I'm late with this...but I looked it over and thought I would post anyway. In case you were wondering. Food is not good. Not at all. Anyway... read away! 70’s icon Farrah Fawcett died after a long and difficult battle with cancer. Music icon Michael Jackson died after a long a difficult battle with life. It’s sad isn’t it? Farrah had friends and family who loved her and watched her suffer. They are no doubt going through a very difficult time. She was a mom, a daughter, a best friend and a life partner. She was beautiful and talented and seemed to epitomize this one period of time. When you think back to the 70’s Charlie's Angels is one of the things that you remember. Charlie’s Angles, Saturday Night Fever , Disco, and the beginning of the fitness craze. Farrah Fawcett had that hair and that amazing smile, she also had atomic nipples… (Which I never noticed until she died and people kept pointing it out) Michael Jackson. What can one say about Mike? Ico...
This is the journey of me...I am on a quest to change just about every thing about my life. Your guess is as good as mine, as to how it will all play out!