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Showing posts from January, 2010

A green Haiti is a saved Haiti, Part 3

The Greening of Haiti: L'Union Fait La Force? The solution, in theory, is simple. Reforest Haiti. However, anyone who is seriously considering taking on a problem as vast as this one is needs to ask themselves several questions. Can Haiti be reforested? If so how? If not, why not? Is it possible that Haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere, can become an example of an environmentally sustainable country? Becoming environmental sustainable is the process of making sure current processes of interaction with the environment are pursued with the idea of keeping the environment as naturally pristine as possible. Can Haiti be “green”? How would that be possible? Where would one have to start? What would the Haitian Government’s involvement be? Can the greening of Haiti be done at the grassroots level? Greening is the practice of restoration, vitality and rejuvenation. By “greening” and “environmentally sustainable”, one needs to consider several things. It is not enough to r...

A Green Haiti is a saved Haiti, Part 2

Haiti’s Sad Story Haiti’s ecological situation is grave. Approximately 70% of Haiti is mountainous. This usually translates into the soil being hard to hold in place. Furthermore and even more detrimental, for every one tree that is planted, there are at least six more chopped down. At the beginning of the century, 60% of Haiti was covered with trees. As of today, a mere 2% of Haiti has trees. Haiti has been victim to uncontrolled logging and the conversion of forests into farmland. This has resulted into what can only be described as an epic environmental nightmare. The major source of energy for many Haitians is wood, in the form of charcoal. Charcoal is accessible, easy to use and most importantly—inexpensive. For many of Haiti’s poor there is no alternative fuel source, therefore the deforestation goes on, causing an endless cycle of environmental pressures. Pressures that Haiti, a country that is already steeped in political and economical hardships, can hardly afford to...

Group activity...

I had my first session of group therapy last night… It was fine. The people in the group all seem really smart and so interesting! Makes we wonder why the Shrink thinks I would be a good addition to this particular group. There was someone in the group who was feeling guilty about complaining about their life, when there are so many people who are truly suffering in this world. This really stood out to me, reason being that I often hear the same tape in my head. ‘You have no reason to be unhappy’. You’ve been blessed, etc. Hearing someone else say it made me realize that each us is allowed to be unhappy. While it’s not cool to wallow in the misery, you are entitled to feel what you feel. Hmmm… saying that to this person was easier than applying it myself. Well played Shrink…

Green Haiti is a saved Haiti...Part 1

I was trying to edit my post and somehow deleted it instead. Sigh... I think it might be best if I post my paper in parts. It's seem way to long to be a blog...I am second geussing this whole thing... Man has been endowed with reason, with the power to create, so that he can add to what he's been given. But up to now he hasn't been a creator, only a destroyer. Forests keep disappearing, rivers dry up, wild life's become extinct, the climate's ruined and the land grows poorer and uglier every day.” [Uncle Vanya, 1897- Anton Chekhov] All aboard the “Green” Train Lately, it seems that everyone has gotten the “green” band wagon. You can’t turn the television on or open a magazine with out being accosted by and advertisement for another green product. There are websites such as and there are a surprising amount of magazines, such as, Positively Green and Organic Gardening that are dedicated to helping you live a more sustainable lifestyle. The pop...